Saturday 15 December 2012

Monday 10 December 2012

Work In Progress: Front Rank Dutch Militia

front rank napoleonic dutch netherlands militia

Work In Progress: Front Rank Portuguese Cacadore

front rank napoleonic portuguese cacadore
front rank napoleonic portuguese cacadore

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Work In Progress: Perry MIniatures French Horse Artillery Gunner

perry miniatures napoleonic french horse artillery gunner
perry miniatures napoleonic french horse artillery gunner

Thursday 25 October 2012

On the Worbench - November

napoleonic miniatures plastic austrians
Perry Miniatures: Plastic Austrians and French Horse Artillery
Perry howitzer horse artillery
Howitzer -base coated
Perry 6lb cannon
6lb Cannon
6lb cannon french artillery
Front Rank 6lb Cannon

Tuesday 4 September 2012

On the Workbench 40K

Workbench WH40K  Space Marines
GW Plastic Ork base coated
GW 40K Tyranid Genestealer

Saturday 19 May 2012

On the Workbench - Perry Miniatures Plastic Napoleonics

painting perry miniatures plastic napoleonic
Base coating Perry Miniatures plastics
converted foundry french officer
Head-swap on Foundry French Officer
painting perry miniatures napoleonic russian
Perry Miniatures Russian Musketeer - base coated

Friday 18 May 2012

Work In Progress: Elite Miniatures French Dragoon Sandard Bearer

foundry french napoleonic dragoon standard bearer
foundry french napoleonic dragoon standard bearer
foundry french napoleonic dragoon standard bearer

Wednesday 4 April 2012

On the Workbench

Front Rank French Napoleonic Cuirassier
Front Rank French Napoleonic Cuirassier